Baldwin county regional airport
milledgeville, Georgia
Airport Layout Plan Update
about baldwin county
Baldwin County is a vibrant community with a diverse economic base and desirable quality-of-life for its residents and workforce. Its growing airport is focused on supporting the regional business community, aviation education and outreach, and outstanding tourism opportunities.
our Expertise
MaesAwyr led MLJ’s 2018 Airport Layout Plan Update, providing the community with valuable guidance to propel future airport growth. This plan maximizes landside property available for a range of recreational, commercial, and industrial development while considering future safety needs and potential 20-year development options.
The Runway Object Free Area (ROFA) on the east side of the airport reaches Lakeside Circle and was addressed through the analysis of several alternatives. When the time is right to revisit the issue, our Team is skilled in navigating the balance of FAA regulations and preservation of runway length with cost-effectiveness and neighbor-friendly options.
MaesAwyr was instrumental in updating the Baldwin County Zoning Ordinance to Limit Height of Objects in The Vicinity of the Baldwin County Airport in 2017 and technical guidance for West Apron Development Concepts in 2018.