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Our services
MaesAwyr staff can take on an entire project as an extension of your staff, contract for a particular task you need our expertise on, or simply offer guidance, recommendations, or quality reviews of your project or process.
Our creative, yet practical and realistic planning analyses and reporting for master planning and airport layout plans, feasibility assessments, obstruction evaluation, justification studies, statewide system planning, and CIP preparation
Seasoned engineers, new hires, and airport field operators alike have benefited from our customized training courses on airspace, CIP development and airport funding sources, and pavement evaluation methods.
We’ll design nearly any infrastructure improvement on your airport, efficiently and timely, with construction budgets in mind and quality assurance paramount. Bidding services, permitting, and construction administration, as well
We provide airport-centric mission review, safety meeting facilitation, advanced airport coordination, field communications, and safety observers to commercial UAS operators operating on or near general aviation airports.
Managing your airport without a strategic plan is like flying cross-country without a flight plan. Our streamlined L.A.N.D. Small Airport Strategic Planning framework enables actionable insight to set and meet aviation goals and priorities.
Airport minimum standards, rules and regulations, airport zoning ordinances, land use compatibility planning, independent fee estimates, cost estimating, and outsourced quality assurance reviews.