Your Airport's Strategic Priorities: Complimentary Web training

How is your airport doing right now?

Is it possible to stay aligned with your airport's vision - particularly now in the COVID era - when you AREN’t sure what our industry will look like going forward? ?

Would you like some support navigating these next few months while still making forward progress - even if it's small?

You’re invited to join us on a complimentary training this Friday.

Together we'll work through auditing your airport's strategic priorities as a part of our Small Airport Strategic Planning L.A.N.D. framework in a thoughtful and thought-provoking way...

...even if you’ve never created a strategic plan before or even if you've never heard of one.

In less than an hour, you’ll recognize:

-- your top three airport priorities to focus your time and energy on
-- next steps to implement and support these priorities
-- ways to take action, even with limited staff, time, and resources

The interaction and collaboration in these sessions is as valuable as the framework you’ll be shown. With our guidance, you'll uncover the three most important priorities at your airport, when everything seems equally important.

You'll receive a digital workbook prior to the webinar to document the customized priorities you develop for your airport.

Mark your calendar for Friday, 15 May 2020 at 10a Eastern | 9a Central and register for the webinar training here.

We look forward to hosting you!


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